Message from our leader
Veronica Escobar
Executive President FUDELA
We are faced with the need to provide solutions to improve the environment in which we live. It is time to look for opportunities and continue generating processes to change the stories of thousands of children, young people, women… everyone.
Thank you for making this possible!
Moving forward by making a difference… It means being aware of the impact we generate, rethinking ourselves, understanding and connecting with people, with our team, with our allies.
Requires Each one of them and together they seek to strengthen spaces for prevention, integration and generation of opportunities for our participants and the communities, in an innovative and committed way, marking milestones that make tangible the effort and work of our team, both in the indicators achieved and in the articulation with the different actors of the public and private sectors and International Cooperation, with whom we work together to achieve important results that contribute to a better society.
Consolidate new projects related to early education – early childhood, with the creation of child care centers, financial inclusion, international sports and cultural exchanges, complementary strategies to the management that FUDELA has been doing for several years such as spaces for the good use of free time as key factors for the prevention of risk situations for children and adolescents; the generation of comprehensive training processes and the achievement of livelihoods especially for young people, women, achieving different opportunities related to bartending, gastronomy or circular economy.
Crystallizes important objectives during the year 2023. Our textile workshop MATIREA was strengthened through various alliances and the incorporation of an entrepreneurial vision that oriented its actions towards a commercial strategy that is bearing fruit and supports its positioning.
On this path, several strategies and models that we are designing and have been implemented. An important achievement is “Parque Futuro”, a milestone in Fudela’s history. This facility provided by the Ministry of Sport has become a space where our purpose makes sense and where our participants, our team, our allies, the community, are part of inspiring processes; and at the same time, it must be self-sustainable.
Message from our leader
Santiago Andrade
Vice President of FUDELA
“Memory is how we retain what we love, who we are, what we never want to lose.” – Kevin Arnold
The “FUDELA website” gives us the opportunity to remember and present important milestones of the road traveled in these 19 years, the achievements, challenges and key moments that marked footprints that allow us to move forward, it also reflects our continued commitment to promote the “Integral human development and transformation of thousands of lives”.
During these years, FUDELA has experienced times of growth and significant achievements, reflected in the lives of our beneficiaries/participants and staff, we have achieved ambitious goals with each of our partners through innovative programs and projects, impactful development projects and key local, national and international strategic alliances. Our focus on inclusion, integration, comprehensiveness, innovation, equity and respect for diversity has left a lasting and positive mark on each participant and the communities we serve.
This tour not only highlights our successes, but also acknowledges the “breaks”, challenges and underlines our technical transparency. We believe that sharing these details is crucial to strengthen the trust of our partners, donors, collaborators, participants and the community at large.
Finally, I would like to express our sincere thanks to God and to each and every person who has contributed to the successful implementation of FUDELA programs in the year 2023. Your continued support enables us to advance our mission this 2024 and make a real difference in people’s lives.
We thank you for your continued trust, commitment and support to FUDELA.
“Together, we are transforming lives, building a better world and a brighter future for the people and communities we serve.” Dr. Santiago Andrade Pinto